Nugraha Mauludi, Nunuy Nurjanah, Retty Isnendes


The goal of 21st century learning is that students are expected to have higher order thinking skills. But in fact, students' high-level thinking skills in Indonesia are still worrying. Based on that, this study aims to understand aspects of higher order thinking and describe its application in the content contained in textbooks in schools. In analyzing and describing content that has high-level thinking content, (1) cognitive level, (2) stimulus elements, and (3) contextual elements will be analyzed. This research method uses descriptive analytic method with a qualitative approach. The techniques used in this research are documents and notes. The text book used in this study is the Simpay Basa Sunda book at the VIII grade junior high school level. The results of this study contained 413 data whose details were (1) various cognitive levels in the book there were 72.39% at level 1 (knowledge and understanding), 9.68% at level 2 (application), and 17.91% at level 3 (reasoning). (2) the stimulus elements in this book are dominated by verbal stimuli totaling 323 stimuli, then visual stimuli totaling 1 stimulus. (3) there are 114 contextual elements in this book with a percentage of 28%. It can be concluded that this book can support the development of higher-order thinking skills, and can also support the ongoing 21st century learning process. However, it must be noted that this can be developed further by increasing the content containing HOTS.


Hots content; Simpay Basa Sunda; teksbook

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